Dr. Circe Le Compte is a postdoctoral scholar at Columbia University, in the HIV Center for Clinical and Behavioral Studies, a part of the Department of Psychiatry, Division of Gender, Sexuality, and Health.
A social epidemiologist by training, she holds Master of Science and Doctor of Science degrees from Harvard University, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, in social and behavioral sciences theory/research methods, and racial and sexual/gender minority health. In addition to her coursework, she holds four certifications in women, gender, and health; maternal and child health/children, youth, and families; health communications; and public health leadership.
Dr. Le Compte's independent research inquiries focus on improving the health of sexual and gender minorities, racial and ethnic groups, substance users, and unstably-housed persons. She leverages both qualitative and quantitative methods to understand how lived experience frames the conceptualization of health and sexual harm reduction practices of Black/African-American gay and bisexual men and transwomen. Her work at Columbia explores the influence of social networks, support, and resistance on the relationship between minority stress on cognitive health among Black gay and bisexual men ages 50 and older.
Dr. Le Compte has published in high-profile journals, including JAMA Online and Preventive Medicine Reports. In addition to her academic career, Dr. Le Compte has held multiple senior leadership positions in research and communications at national nonprofit organizations in the U.S., including the National Minority AIDS Council and HealthHIV. She has served as co-editor-in-chief of HPHR Journal (formerly Harvard Public Health Review) since 2014.