Jen Laws
CANN and HealthHCV’s 9th Annual National Monitoring Report on HIV/HCV Co-Infection
Studio BThe Community Access National Network (CANN) — in collaboration with HealthHIV, HealthHCV, and the National Coalition for LGBT Health — is hosting the Annual National Monitoring Report on HIV/HCV Co-Infection. During the SYNC session, CANN will present its annual report on the state of co-infection in the United States, including a summary of the HIV/HCV Co-Infection Watch. HealthHIV will present data and implications from its State of Harm Reduction Inaugural National Survey.
Emerging Issues and Opportunities for Advocacy Engagement: Ensuring Continuity of HIV Program Funding
Studio FState-specific issues have emerged from the broader healthcare and public policy ecosystem—this session will delve into how cleverly-titled legislation, like “Prescription Drug Affordability Boards” (PDABs), might change the funding landscape, for better or worse, and how patient advocates can engage meaningfully both pre- and post-legislation.