Conference Agenda

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Harm Reduction Track, Session 2

May 30, 2024 @ 2:15 pm3:45 pm EDT

  • Failing Forward: Syringe Service Program Organizing in Charleston, WV
    In August 2023, the Women’s Health Center of West Virginia’s bid to open a new syringe service program in the heart of the opioid epidemic was denied by the Charleston City Council. But why? This presentation explores the current state of syringe service program legislation in West Virginia, the WHC’s effort to start one in Charleston and why syringe service programs are the key to addressing the HIV, Hepatitis C and overdose epidemics.
  • Impact of a Harm Reduction Program Tailored for Populations Using Crystal Methamphetamine
    This presentation will describe a status-neutral crystal methamphetamine (meth) harm reduction program implemented in New York City (NYC) with federal and local funding. The primary focus of this presentation will be Harm Reduction. Given the status-neutral nature of the program and its focus on men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender people, especially those of color, the other topic areas will include HIV Prevention, HIV Treatment, and LGBTQ Health.
  • Building and Strengthening Syringe Services Programs through E-learning
    Syringe services programs (SSPs) are in the business of saving lives. At the intersection of harm reduction and HIV prevention, this session will review a new e-learning course developed by ETR in collaboration with the CDC: Building and Strengthening Syringe Services Programs. SSPs help protect the health of people who use drugs by providing them with services that lessen the negative consequences associated with drug use and help prevent HIV. The course teaches participants to develop, improve, and sustain an effective SSP. This session will provide an overview of SSPs, an introduction to harm reduction principles, and how to learn more information by accessing the full, free course.
Perry Street
ViiV Healthcare
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